Community Bible Study

Traverse City MI

Traverse City MI

Come see what happens in people’s lives when they discover God through the study of His Word, the Bible.  Our classes meet weekly during the school year. Each class participant receives a course book with a commentary and home study questions. Every week, you will participate in small group discussions and hear relevant teaching.  We will also offer opportunities for fellowship and special times of sharing and relationship building within the class.


This is a Women's Class
TUE at 9:30 AM - 11:25 AM

The 2024-25 class year will run from Tuesday, September 10 through May 6.

Class meets in person at Faith Reformed Church on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 am.

We offer a wonderful children's program for ages birth-kindergarten, registration required.

Come and study God's Word with us!











Currently Studying: Joshua, James, Christian Leadership, Job

Registration for the 2024-25 class year is ongoing.  This class year we will study Joshua, Job, Christian Leadership (1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus), and James.  We hope you will join us!  


Martha Hammer
Teaching Director
Barb Mosher
Associate Teaching Director
Jaema Stilley


Next Gen Ministry

Through a variety of activities such as Bible teaching, Scripture memory work, crafts, music, games and other activities, we seek to provide a nurturing environment where children can learn about Jesus' wonderful love for them. We also come alongside parents as they teach and train their children to live out God’s truths in their lives. We welcome your children ages birth through preschool to experience the love of Jesus through the loving servants in our CBS Children's Ministry.

Upcoming Events

Locations and registration

Year 2024-2025


Faith Reformed Church, Traverse City

1139 E Front St, Traverse City, 49686

Tue at 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM
